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Presenting Emerald Gulistan at Jajmau, Kanpur. Just off the Kanpur-Lucknow highway, it is the city of the future. With security, cleanliness and a leisurely lifestyle just some of the perks of being part of this community. A unique blend of urban comforts and natural simplicity.
    • Emerald Gulistan is the city’s first planned mega township project.
    • Received 2 nominations by the prestigious World Architecture Festival and Awards (WAF), for its wonderfully-built Prayer rooms.
    • Completely secured township comprising of plots ranging from 66.29 sqmt to 1672.25 Sqmt, 3 BHK modern independent floors, luxurious villas.
    • Beautifully landscaped parks, children’s play area, jogging tracks, prayer rooms, schools, Outdoor sports facilities, and skating rink add a sense of tranquillity to this township.
    • Packed with all modern facilities and 24*7 security surveillance making it the most preferred living destination.
    • The Completion certificates of Phase I, Phase II, Phase IV (Royal Court ), and Phase III have been obtained from KDA & approved by RERA with Phase II RERA registration no UPRERAPRJ17995, Phase-IV RERA registration number UPRERAPRJ103991, and Phase-III RERA registration number UPRERAPRJ542474. Phase V (Imperial Court) UPRERAPRJ985180, Gulistan Mart UPRERAPRJ184025 and Gulistan Plaza - UPRERAPRJ838684
    • Promoter RERA Registration Number UPRERAPRM65697 ,UP RERA website -
    • RERA Collection Bank Account for Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV had been closed
    • RERA Collection Bank Account No for Phase V ( Imperial Court )-628805026987, RERA Collection Bank Account No for Gulistan Plaza - 628805027124, RERA Collection Bank Account No for Gulistan Mart -628805027120
    • Bank details for phase V (Imperial court ), Gulistan plaza and Gulistan Mart is ICICI Bank, 16/106, J.S. Tower, The Mall, Kanpur, 208001
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